Soil pH…Does Gypsum Help? Read below to find out.

Calcium sulfate (or gypsum) is a soluble inorganic compound. Gypsum has been used for many years to improve aggregation and inhibit or overcome dispersion in sodic soils. One of the many misnomers about calcium sulfate, or gypsum, is that it can effect soil pH. That misnomer arises from the fact that limestone, another calcium-containing...

Salting the Earth – Counteract Contamination with Calcium Sulfate

“Salting the earth” was a practice of ancient conquering armies. They poisoned farmland with salt so that crops would not grow. To the best of my knowledge, no one has intentionally “salted the earth” for many years. However, there is much unintentional soil contamination. Major sources of contamination include irrigation...

What is Selenite?

Selenite is a naturally occurring crystalline mineral also known as gypsum or calcium sulfate. Despite the similarity in the words, selenite contains no significant amount of selenium. In its purest form, selenite is nearly transparent and colorless; however most mined selenite is whitish to opaque to brownish in color. EcoGEM’s...

The Benefits of Calcium Sulfate in Agriculture

Calcium sulfate makes a difference in soil properties Calcium sulfate has been proven to change the structure and physical condition of soils in various ways. First, it can loosen tight compacted soil thereby improving soil structure.  It helps with aeration and also permeability. The addition of calcium enhances the growth of soil...

Current Trends in Fertilizer – Implications on Growers

Fertilizer Prices Are Dropping Wow! Fertilizer prices are dropping. Low cost gas is plentiful due to domestic increases in production. Many new fertilizer plants have been announced! What does this mean to growers? I have been on the mining, manufacturing and sales side of fertilizer for over 20 years. But I am not an agronomist,...