The benefits of achieving optimal soil health

I have been thinking a lot lately about soil health and its ability to sustain crops. Sure we know fertilizer and water are important as well as applying good management practices. But I believe there is more to a soil’s potential that is directly tied to optimizing soil health.  And...

Can soil degradation be reversed by gypsum?

One of the concerns today is that soils are being degraded by intensive agricultural production, salinity or contamination.  Soil degradation can be generally defined as a decline in soil quality caused by its improper and unsustainable use. Soil degradation is slowly becoming a serious global problem and is exacerbated by...

What is soil?

A pretty basic question for the ground under our feet.  Plus, Dr. Dan Davidson explains Calcium Compartmentalization below. What is Soil? By Dr. Dan Davidson, Agronomist & Farmer When you pick up a hand full of soil did you ever think about what it contains? Soil contains minerals, organic matter,...

Can Gypsum Remediate Dense, Deflocculated Soils?

One of gypsum’s primary benefits as a soil amendment is that the addition of calcium will flocculate the soil. Flocculation causes soil particles to come together and form natural aggregates and peds that improves soil structure and porosity. When soil particles disperse (deflocculated soils), natural aggregates breakdown and disperse, damaging...