Phosphorus retention in crops and how calcium can play a role

It’s a dichotomy – the impact of calcium on phosphorus retention and availability. Fields that receive large amounts of manure or litter contain large amounts of phosphorus. Phosphorus that isn't taken up by plants remains in the subsoil and is displaced by runoff. If it isn’t tied up by soil...

How the sulfur cycle works in crop nutrition

Sulfur is an essential nutrient for crops. The element is primarily found in sedimentary rocks, but it also cycles between the soil, living things and the atmosphere. Learn about how the sulfur cycle works in crop nutrition to understand how applying sulfur may help your production and profits.     Why...

Can Gypsum Remediate Dense, Deflocculated Soils?

One of gypsum’s primary benefits as a soil amendment is that the addition of calcium will flocculate the soil. Flocculation causes soil particles to come together and form natural aggregates and peds that improves soil structure and porosity. When soil particles disperse (deflocculated soils), natural aggregates breakdown and disperse, damaging...

Soil pH…Does Gypsum Help? Read below to find out.

Calcium sulfate (or gypsum) is a soluble inorganic compound. Gypsum has been used for many years to improve aggregation and inhibit or overcome dispersion in sodic soils. One of the many misnomers about calcium sulfate, or gypsum, is that it can effect soil pH. That misnomer arises from the fact that limestone, another calcium-containing...

Salting the Earth – Counteract Contamination with Calcium Sulfate

“Salting the earth” was a practice of ancient conquering armies. They poisoned farmland with salt so that crops would not grow. To the best of my knowledge, no one has intentionally “salted the earth” for many years. However, there is much unintentional soil contamination. Major sources of contamination include irrigation...