EcoGEM Calcium
Sulfate Dihydrate


Certified for Organic Use by OMRI


4:01 am, Feb 12, 2025
temperature icon -15°C
light snow
Humidity 83 %
Pressure 1020 mb
Wind 2 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 3 mph
Clouds Clouds: 100%
Visibility Visibility: 0.284 km
Sunrise Sunrise: 6:55 am
Sunset Sunset: 5:32 pm

The Agricultural Industry is at a crossroads. Farmers all the world over will be tasked with feeding a world population 50% greater than it is today, on less land, while being asked to be more sustainable in their farming practices – which often comes at a cost. They will be asked to use less water and fix the waterways that have been polluted with fertilizer runoff.

With reports that agriculture contributes almost 20% of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, farmers will be tasked with reducing those emissions.
Farmers want to be good stewards of the land: to be responsible and sustainable. But they also need to manage and reduce costs. They don’t need talk, they need solutions…….


EcoGem can add value to correct for sustainability issues in agriculture

EcoGEM’s Soil Enhancer: A 3-in-1 Management System for Soil Health, Water and Carbon Capture

Click here for more information

While using Mother Nature’s Own Technology to heal herself!

Big Problems Require Big Solutions:
Nature’s Technology to Heal Herself
“What is good for the soil is good for the climate, and for business1.”

EcoGem’s Soil Enhancer, certified for organic use by OMRIOMRI can provide real solutions to many issues plaguing agriculture today. New research has led to new thinking about the benefits of Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate, the primary ingredient in this product, for agriculture. Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate is very good for the soil, which brings benefits to so much more. The time is right, the time is now!

These solutions include:

1Green Biz: “Carbon Capture Report”, pg. 12, August 2019

Soil Health Improvements:

It all begins with the soil. Yet, over the years, our soils have degraded and an increasing amount of agricultural land has been allocated
for other uses. We will have to better utilize our remaining soil to feed a population 50% larger than today – over 9 Billion people – by 2050.

Soil Health Improvements
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As drought conditions around the world increase, water will become increasingly scarce.  We need solutions to decrease water usage while also preventing fertilizer runoff. Fertilizers create runoff into nearby waterways and lakes, which lead to toxic algae blooms.

Water Usage Reduction

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Whether we agree that the climate is changing or not, we can all agree we should take better care of the planet on which we live. That means reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.

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Enhanced Nutrition:

Who doesn’t want more nutritious food? It all starts with the soil and the nutrition that is uploaded into the plant.

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Improved Crop Yield & ROI:

As a farmer, you want good soil, a great crop, and a return on your investment – profit.  Many soil amendments are a cost to the farmer.

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Organic produce is a $50 billion retail business in the USA and approaches $70 billion worldwide.  It grew over 6% in 2018 and 2019.  It is what consumers want as they believe organic is healthier than non-organic.


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Lawn & Garden:

The joy of sitting in your lawn chair with a nice cold beverage, just taking it all in – the garden, the freshly cut grass all in a straight line, the flower bed to your right, the giant oak tree to your left.  Heaven could be like this.

By utilizing EcoGEM’s Soil Enhancer, you can create this lawn.  Our solution helps you:

  • Creates a more plush and luxurious lawn as the product enhances the nutrient uptake of fertilizers and provides its own Calcium and Sulfur;
  • Increases water infiltration by creating micro channels into the soil allowing water to penetrate deeper into the root zone and conserve more water in the soil. This is especially helpful when water restrictions are in place.  Also, you can reduce your water usage by up to 30%.
  • Allows you, the homeowner, to help the environment itself. By creating better soil and a more luxurious lawn, you can capture more carbon in your soil.  You can help the planet!

Click here for more information

Turf Management:

A golf course or a stadium is a living breathing creation.... The beauty of which can draw a gasp or silent admiration of a job well done.


The benefits of EcoGEM’s Soil Enhancer products can help create and maintain that beauty.  Recognizing the turf is a living organism, we can help you be the artist you want to be with the turf/course as your canvas: and save dollars while doing so:

  • Less irrigation water required
  • Better water infiltration post rainfall, less ponding
  • Less fertilizer required for same results
  • Healthier soil = Healthier grass
Click here for more information


When the soil pH is right, but other factors are not, gypsum for soil products can help. EcoGEM works to providing a fast solution for maintaining soil pH levels and adding calcium and sulfur to your soil. When you use gypsum for soil products, you can improve the structure of your soil and so much more.

Whether you need gypsum for your agricultural needs or for your very own backyard, we have the gypsum for soil products to make all of the difference. You will find multiple benefits of using gypsum for soil and how it can help the structure of soil.

Gypsum has been applied to soil for hundreds of years. By adding gypsum for soil health, erosion is reduced due to the way gypsum has the ability to increase the ability for soil to soak up water after precipitation. Gypsum can modify soil without any actual significant change to the soil pH level. Some of the many things that gypsum can do for soil includes:

  • Gypsum increases water penetration
  • Gypsum loosens compacted clay soils
  • Gypsum promotes easier root penetration
  • Gypsum maintains soil pH

Get in touch with EcoGEM to learn more about why gypsum can make all the difference for soil.

(303) 500-6944

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