Tuba City Soil During Drought

Treatment for Tuba City Soil During Drought in AZ near 86045

There is a high amount of salt and clay in soil during drought in the Tuba City, AZ area. Luckily, EcoGEM® offers high-quality calcium sulfate dihydrate, also known as gypsum, that can provide real solutions to many issues plaguing agriculture today.

Droughts are a serious threat to the environment, with the potential to have devastating effects on soil quality. Tuba City soil during drought can experience an increase in salt and clay content.

Soil in drought can have a significant impact on plant growth and development.

That is why farmers and crop growers are looking for ways to improve the quality of Tuba City soil during drought. Contact us if you have the following:

  • High salt content in soil
  • Too much salt in soil
  • Red clay soil
  • Soil compaction

Use gypsum to prevent Tuba City soil during drought from affecting plant’s ability to grow and thrive.

Gypsum is an excellent soil amendment that can deal with increased salt and clay levels in soil during drought.

Call EcoGEM® for solutions for Tuba City soil during drought.

(303) 500-6944

Tuba City Salt in Soil

Manage Tuba City Salt in Soil in AZ near 86045

Tuba City salt in soil is a growing concern for farmers and crop growers. An increased amount of Tuba City salt in soil makes it harder for crops to survive and thrive.

In order to combat the problem of salt in soil, many farmers and crop growers are turning to gypsum as a way to reduce the amount of salt in their soil.

Gypsum is a naturally occurring mineral that can be used to help improve soil structure, increase water holding capacity and reduce the amount of Tuba City salt in soil.

Consider adding our gypsum soil amendment to the soil to improve crop yields and prevent long-term damage caused by high levels of Tuba City salt in soil.

Gypsum can help combat:

  • Sodic soil
  • Heavy soil
  • Salinity in agriculture
  • Saline sodic soil

Call EcoGEM® for solutions for Tuba City salt in soil.

(303) 500-6944

Tuba City Clay in Soil

Control Tuba City Clay in Soil in AZ near 86045

The content of Tuba City clay in soil can significantly impact the soil’s overall quality and fertility. High levels of Tuba City clay in soil can lead to poor drainage, compaction and even waterlogging.

Fortunately, there are several methods available to reduce the amount of Tuba City clay in soil, particularly by adding gypsum.

Gypsum helps make soils more fertile by providing essential nutrients to growing plants. It also helps reduce soil compaction so that more oxygen can reach the roots of the plants.

Improve the quality of your soil while reducing the amount of clay present.

We offer:

  • Clay breaker
  • Gypsum for clay soil
  • Clay soil amendment
  • Soil amendments for clay soil

Call EcoGEM® for solutions for Tuba City clay in soil.

(303) 500-6944

Tuba City